Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year, New Appreciation

The New Year is being celebrated world-wide and boy do we all deserve to celebrate it after a testing and beautiful year at the same time.

For me i moved to the US about 6 months ago, this involved leaving my job in Sydney, Australia after being there for 5 years. It was quite a challenge to get everything organised to move here but in the end my desire to come to the US and dreams that were etched in my head from a little kid persuaded me enough. In all honesty my decision to come to the US was half hearted for 2 years before i came here, last year my friends and i travelled the US and i decided that was it i wanted to move here. I started looking to move here seriously in about March in 2006 and was in the US in July 2006, it was a pretty quick move but i was ready for it.

I thought it would be good for me from a career perspective and also to grow myself as an individual. I love challenges and constantly challenge myself, this is by far the greatest challenge. Starting off as a Project Manager in a country without knowing anyone.. but that's how you grow and that's how i chose to grow.

For this New Years celebration i decided that i needed to start it off on a different note, i decided again clubbing or a bar and decided instead to build myself spiritually. I have chosen to go to a Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) as there is a strong spiritual practice there, it is only recently that i have discovered the spritual strength in such a way, i always knew it existed but only my recent interest in Sikhism taught me how inter-twined Sikhism and Spirituality is. We do kirtan (spiritual singing) from the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh's - seekers - consider the Guru Granth Sahib as a Guru as it is a teacher due to it's depth of knowledge about life and spirituality - it is viewed as a book by some which it is, but if you look at the wealth of knowledge within it you too will be amazed).

I at present have decided not to read the Guru Granth Sahib as the Guru's (religous saints) that wrote in it were in a high spiritual state and i have not yet attained such a spiritual state. Once i do though i will start reading, learning and understanding the words from the Guru Granth Sahib. I am firstly building the foundations of spirituality that i hope i can share with you.

Well i hope that everyone out there has a great New Years celebration.

I hope 2007 onwards brings with it love, peace and devotion to all.

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